Cleanliness is necessary. For every business establishment Even though it is a factory In particular, some places place importance on cleanliness. or must be very hygienic Most of the dirt is attached to the shoes. Eliminating or reducing the amount of dust Before entering the factory or building So it helps a lot.
Many places have placed dust-trapping carpets in front of building entrances, but have we ever noticed or paid attention to whether they can effectively trap dust as desired? At first it may trap dust well, but when used for a long time The floor has the same dirty stains as before. Choose the right carpet. and area of use can help
In factories, carpets can be used to trap dust. Or a carpet to absorb water from your shoes. You can get many points. To prevent dirt from being stuck to other areas, such as
The entrance area of the building and office area is an important point where guests, customers, and employees pass by. You should use a dust-trapping mat (Entrance Mat) that can be used during all seasons, including hot, cold, and rainy season. Kleen-Tex's dust-trapping mat is a nylon fiber with cut ends. Acts like a brush to remove dust from shoes. And acts like a cup to keep dust inside from spreading. But it can be easily cleaned by vacuuming and washing. The background is made of nitrile rubber, helping to prevent slipping and not leaving stains on the floor. |
Water-absorbing rug (Water Horse Mat) for additional use during the rainy season. to absorb water first Then it traps dust from Kleen-Tex's Water Horse carpet. It is a PP (polypropylene) material that absorbs water from shoes well and dries quickly. The raised knob helps remove coarse dirt particles. to stay in the groove Just spray water on it and use a scrub brush to clean it and be ready to use it again. The background is made of nitrile rubber, helping prevent slipping and leaving no stains on the floor. |
Door area between production area and office area
Use a dust-trapping rug (Entrance Mat) to place between the doors of both areas. To prevent dust from outside Enter the production area and protects against various stains From the production area to other areas
In front of the bathroom and around the sink, water-absorbing rugs (Water Horse) help absorb water that drips from hand washing. or from shoes before leaving the bathroom Prevents floor stains from walking and reduce accidents from slips and falls