During the rainy season, it is common for there to be quite a lot of rain. When traveling anywhere, we have to tread through wet areas all the time. Upon entering the building or houses, of course, feet will bring dirt and wetness into them as well. This causes the inside of the house or building to become extremely dirty. Which is what helps us very well is Carpet traps moisture and absorbs water , which serves to absorb dirt and moisture that is attached to the shoes. Don't let it get messy inside. Therefore, it is something that people are very interested in wanting to use during the rainy season. However The use of this type of carpet It's not suitable to be used only during the rainy season. But it can support use throughout the year.
Moisture trapping carpet In addition to helping to trap moisture and dirt from outside. Not allowing it to get inside the house or building is good during the rainy season. During other times It is an interesting helper to use as well. Because don't forget that Regarding humidity, it always exists and comes from both inside and outside of the house or building.

Humidity inside the house or building that we often encounter. There are many areas. Whether it's the sink area, washing dishes, cooking area. or near swimming pools, ponds, fish tanks, and aquatic plant tanks Areas where these activities occur are places where water can splash onto the floor. And there is a chance that it will be stepped on and cause dirt to spread to other areas as well. Placing moisture-trapping, water-absorbing carpet in this area or between these areas. It will help prevent dirt problems. It also prevents danger from slipping and falling.
Therefore, carpet traps moisture. It is something that should be used. and can be used all year round It's not just a good thing to use to prevent messes during the rainy season . Water-Horse by Kleen-Tex carpet, in addition to helping with trapping moisture and absorbing water, also has a background that adheres well to the floor. Helps reduce accidents from slipping and falling. both resistant to pressure Does not collapse even in areas with heavy traffic.