Doormats or dust-trapping rugs are equipment that we can find in almost every building. They are basic items that are commonly seen. And it is well known that it is intended to reduce impurities from the outside. By trapping them and not allowing them to enter the house or building. Therefore, its function is Supporting and storing as much dirt as possible, simply put, is something that must get dirty in use. Therefore, it is not surprising that no one cares much about its condition. Just have it without paying attention to the fact that it actually traps dust. And maintain good condition or not? Clean Tex dust trapping carpets are different. That is, use a material that looks like a carpet. You can also design beautiful patterns. There are important highlights: Wash and clean The fibers do not fall off easily. Some people are looking to buy carpet to deal with dirt. Supports staining like this. You may wonder that for a carpet to be used like this, you have to choose a design that looks good. Can it be cleaned too?… Is it necessary?
It is true that carpet traps dust. Its main function is Trapping dirt with its body. Generally, this type of carpet is used at the entrance and exit of a house or building to help reduce dirt from coming inside 100%, thus making the inside of the house or clean building And of course the carpet will get stained. But the fact that it was designed to Can be washed and cleaned to be reused to trap dust as before. It should be said that it is "necessary" because if it is not cleaned Dust and dirt will accumulate inside. When the dust is full The carpet will not do the job of trapping new dust. Even if you leave it as before. It can't do the job of trapping dust anymore. The floor will come back dirty or even more than before. Because it brings in dust from the carpet. and after cleaning The carpet should be in good condition. and can function as before

The reason why a dust-trapping carpet should be beautiful and look good is will be the first line of defense against dirt. But at the same time, it is also the first step to welcome visitors. The fact that it has beautiful colors or patterns that are inviting to look at or has a welcome message Can be cleaned to keep it in good condition. Ready to use like new Therefore, it is a matter to be taken into account. More so, it is a service location such as a hotel, store, showroom, which is a place that must accommodate the visit of customers. Having great looking rugs and decorations from the entryway is sure to impress. And if it can be cleaned It will reduce the burden of managing it so that it returns to being clean and looking good as before without wasting energy and time and helping to reduce the frequency of cleaning the floor.