ข้อดีและข้อเสียในการใช้ พรมแต่งบ้าน (Advantage & Disadvantage of carpet/rug/mat for decoration)

Advantages and disadvantages of using carpet for home decoration (Advantage & Disadvantage of carpet/rug/mat for decoration)

Last time I talked about rugs for decorating the house. It has various advantages. But at the same time, there are also complaints about the disadvantages of using it. Therefore, before we decide what kind of carpet we should buy to decorate our home, We should first consider the pros and cons of using carpet to compare. Then we can decide if it is appropriate and has the satisfactory results we want or not.

Advantages of using carpet in the home
  • Make the atmosphere of the home more luxurious. Just one rug of a modest size. It can instantly enhance the atmosphere and mood of the home to make it look good and tasteful.
  • Gives a soft feeling Relax and feel comfortable Laying carpet on the floor makes our feet feel soft and comfortable when we walk around. It's better than walking on hard ground. Especially during the cold weather A tiled area will make us even cooler.
  • Increase safety in the home The carpet is soft. If there is a slip and fall accident in the house The carpet will help cushion the impact, resulting in less injury. Especially for homes with small children or the elderly. It is a great help in this matter.
  • In the case of covering the entire room, it will save energy in rooms that use air conditioning. Because the carpet will act as an insulator. This allows us to easily maintain a constant room temperature, saving energy in adjusting the temperature inside the room, reducing costs on electricity bills.
  • Good for health, feet are one of the organs that should be kept warm. Especially the elderly or young children, who may become sick or feel sick if their feet are exposed to extreme cold. especially the elderly Cold areas can easily aggravate joint pain. Carpets are a great protection against these problems.
  • Reduce noise. Carpet can do a good job of absorbing sound within the room. Make the room quiet

Disadvantages of using carpet in the home

  • It is a place to store dust and dirt in the bedroom or living room. Because carpet has fibers that have gaps, dust can stick and accumulate there. and is the home of dust mites But if we choose to buy a carpet that is easy to clean by vacuuming and can wash itself This problem will disappear. Because it can be cleaned regularly
  • Expensive. Many people put off the idea of ​​using carpets in their homes because of the price of carpets. Some of them cost more than a motorcycle! which may look beautiful But it's difficult to clean or slippery easily, but... nowadays we have many types of carpets to choose from. We can buy Carpets at a reasonable price Worthy of price and quality with other usable features.
  • It is a place for moisture and germs to accumulate if carpet is laid in the bathroom. This is a taboo that many people have been warned not to think about laying carpet in the bathroom at all. Because it is a room with high humidity. Adding carpet will become a reservoir for moisture and eventually it will collect dust and create an unhealthy source of germs. But if we choose a carpet made from synthetic fibers that does not cause fungus And the type that can be washed is better for hygiene. However, it is not recommended to place carpet on wet areas. Because the adhesion between the carpet and the floor will not be good. Makes it easy to slip and fall
  • Carpets that are placed only in certain areas or pieces of carpet, some types do not have the ability to hold the floor. Therefore, it may cause you to slip and fall easily. This is true. But if you choose a carpet with a rubber background or a rubber floor rug , it can be Prevent slipping and falling Help with safety To be more at the same time as looking good and being soft and comfortable for your feet, these are examples of the advantages and disadvantages of using carpet to decorate your home, which you should consider carefully before deciding whether to invest in buying carpet to use in your home or not. And if you want to buy, what type of carpet should you choose?

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